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EVS preventing fraud in online casinos, gaming and fantasy sports

Preventing Fraud in Online Casinos, Gaming, and Fantasy Sports with EVS

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New Apple OS X Malware: Fraud Prevention Tips

A new attack against Apple Mac OS X Lion was detected earlier this week. The fraudulent threat is a Trojan, and is installed through a fake Adobe Flash…

Android Mobile Fraud Prevention

The first SpyEye variant, called SPITMO, was recorded to attack Android mobile phones. The threat posed by DroidOS/SPITMO has escalated the danger of SpyEye now that this malicious…

Knowledge Based Authentication Security Passwords

I was reading a blog on Schneier on Security earlier today that was talking about knowledge based authentication in the form of security questions, and one of the…

Google Places and Fraud Prevention

What do you do online to make sure your companys identity has a good reputation? Google Alerts? Google your company name? Social media monitoring? These are all great…

California Increases Data Breach Notification Detail Requirements

California has passed a bill that requires companies to provide more information to their consumers when a data breach occurs. TheSenate Bill 24establishes standards for the details to…

Update on DigiNotar

Earlier this week we talked aboutGooglebeing attacked by DigiNotar, and we have an update to share with you. It has been reported that Safari users on Mac OS…

Adobe Fights Zero-Day Vulnerabilities

With Adobe, information sharing is an important part of the incident response release process when it comes to fraud prevention. Kaspersky Lab posted this video earlier today where…

Medicare Fraud Prevention

Earlier this month we had a blog post about how there is legislation to remove Social Security numbers from Medicare cards. But until Social Security numbers are removed…

TED Talk: Mikko Hypponen Fighting Viruses, Defending the Net

I was on our Twitter account earlier today seeing what everyone was talking about when I found a TED talk that Mikko Hypponen did. I highly suggest you…

Payment Processing Fraud Prevention

A payment processor is often a third-party company that handles credit card transactions; and nine times out of ten the company does not have the cardholder present. This…