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Peak Performance: EVS Helps Retailers Safeguard Their High-Season Sales

what is kyt (know your transaction)?

What is KYT and Why is It Important?

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Isnt it Time to Think About Fighting Fraud?

We are already half way through the last month of Q3, 2012 and before we know it, we will be celebrating for the New Year. With Q4 just…

Don’t be a Statistic – Protect Against Online Fraud

With 2013 in plain sight, it is important to protect your business and consumers going into the New Year. Even though it may seem premature, it is never…

Pros and Cons: Dropbox’s New Solution for Online Fraud

Earlier this month, Dropbox, an online data-sharing platform, was hit with a breach that led the company to rethink their online security measures. While the company did a…

Kahuna Payment Solutions Upgrades to EVS IdentiFlo Management Platform

Electronic Verification Systems (EVS) announces Kahuna Payment Solutions, a 3-year ID verification client, upgrade to the new IdentiFlo Management Platform.

Lack of Identity Verification in Everyday Life

I was recently in the market for a new vehicle.After a few test drives of different vehicles, I knew exactly what I wanted. Thanks to modern technology, it…

Mobile Payments: Hamburgers, Coffee, and Committees

The mobile payments industry has seen ample amount of action this month. To new partnerships to the formation of a Mobile Payments Committee, the mobile payments revolution is…

Differentiate Mobile Payments Offerings to Get Ahead

By 2017, the mobile payments market is expected to reach $1.3 trillion as predicted by Juniper Research yes, trillion. This number will reach such a high altitude assuming…

Online Fraud for Small Businesses Increases

According to numerous industry sources, attacks targeted at small businesses and startups has doubled in the first half of 2012. Targeted attacks are tailored specifically to a certain…

EVS Progress Report for 2012

August has quickly approached for all of us, especially at EVS. From the launch of the Premiere Partnership Program to attending the MWAA Annual Conference, EVS has been…

Breach Report: Apple and Amazon Learn a Lesson in Online Security

Its hard to believe that two online giants would face any type of issues, especially ones involving security and consumer satisfaction. Just a few days ago, both Apple…