
Credit Card Verification 101: Fighting E-Commerce Fraud + Protecting Your Business

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Streamlining the Customer Journey: How Electronic Verification Improves Conversion Rates

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FTC Will Grant Six-Month Delay of Enforcement of ‘Red Flags’ Rule Requiring Creditors and Financial Institutions to Have Identity Theft Prevention Programs-10-22-2008

October 22, 2008 The Federal Trade Commission will suspend enforcement of the new Red Flags Rule until May 1, 2009, to give creditors and financial institutions additional time…

Electronic Verification Systems Enjoys Client Growth in 3rd Quarter-09-20-2008

September 20th 2008 Electronic Verification Systems is please to announce the addition of four new clients including First Bank of Delaware. First Bank of Delaware is a full…

Identity fraud hits net telephony-05-14-2008

Wednesday, 14 May 2008 A new type of identity fraud, which sees hackers tapping into voice over IP telephony accounts, has been highlighted by a VoIP equipment maker….

Medial Insurance Policies and Medical Id Fraud-04-28-2007

April 28th, 2007 We are all aware of the rampant crime of Identity Theft. And if you are one of the millions who have had this happen to…

B2B: a growing target for fraud-02-01-2006

Wednesday, February 1 2006 Identity thieves have gained deserved notoriety for turning the lives of individual victims upside down. But there’s another target far less apt to get…