
Preventing Account Takeover with EVS solutions

Preventing Account Takeover (ATO) Fraud with EVS Solutions

EVS preventing fraud in online casinos, gaming and fantasy sports

Preventing Fraud in Online Casinos, Gaming, and Fantasy Sports with EVS

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FDA Releases Deeming Rule, Uncertainty Remains

The deeming rule subjects these categories of “tobacco products” to the applicable provisions, requirements, and regulations associated with The Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C), as amended…

EVS Launches SMS and Programmatic Voice Authentication Solution

IdentiFraud Phone provides information regarding a submitted phone number, and offers a simple method of authenticating that a consumer has possession of an identified phone. IdentiFraud Phone automatically…

Thinking Outside the Law

When it comes to business, shouldn’t business owners do all they can do protect both their investment (the business) and their customers? After all, there are no laws…

New Guidance on CIP Rule Application for Prepaid Cards

Last week FinCEN (the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network) and federal banking agencies released new guidance for how the CIP (customer identification program) requirements of the Patriot Act are… Partners with EVS for Age Verification

Electronic Verification Systems (EVS) is excited to announce its new partnership with, starting in November 2015. is a new state of the art-consumer focused-competitive website selling…

EVS Adds Mobile Phone Verification to IdentiFraud Consumer+ Solution

Louisville, KY- (03/18/2016) Electronic Verification Systems (EVS) has announced the addition of mobile phone verification to the IdentiFraud Consumer+ identity verification solution….

Synthetic IDs and the REAL ID Act

Earlier this year Jeh C. Johnson, Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced the final phase of implementation for the REAL ID Act. His announcement sets…

Clarification for Consumer Access of PHI provided by HHS

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Civil Rights (OCR) released new guidance this month providing clarification regarding individuals’ right under HIPAA to access…

Card-Not-Present Fraud is Spiking, Here’s Why

While the current switch to EMV in the US is certainly part of the reason for increasing CNP fraud, there are other factors that have also contributed to…

In Defense of KBA

Knowledge Based Authentication (KBA) has been getting a bad rap, largely related to the IRS breaches in both 2013 and 2015. Aside from the IRS breaches, there have…