
Securing Digital Identities: A Deep Dive into Multi-Factor Authentication and Verification

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Streamlining the Customer Journey: How Electronic Verification Improves Conversion Rates

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The President Issues Down Payment Toward Comprehensive Cyber Security

During his State of the Union Address, President Obama signed the first executive order in regards to cyber security. The order requires the US federal government to share…

The Difficulties of Verifying Identities Online

In a world of fake IDs and fraudulent documents, verifying someones identity is not extremely difficult in person. Its fairly easy to spot out a fake document or…

The Importance of Age Verification

There is no doubting that people want to protect their personal information online. And, perhaps an even bigger concern is protecting our youth from the endless amount of…

Authentication in E-commerce: Proving Sally Isnt Sam

When I hear people say that shopping is fun, it blows my mind. I really consider getting a tooth pulled to be a more worthwhile event. Going to…

Social Media Encouraging Identity Theft?

In 2010, an American documentary coined the term catfish as way to describe fake identities being created via social media. This small production soon gained major popularity as…

Increased mCommerce Means Increased Mobile Payments

In a recent study conducted by Forrester, it has been predicted that in the next 5 years, mCommerce will quadruple to $31 billion. Last year, sales of physical…

EVS Partners with PayToo to Meet Compliance and Fraud Prevention Needs

Louisville, KY. (1 16 2016) With the rising fees and complicated nature associated with traditional banking practices, many American consumers are now opting for alternative solutions available online…

Mobile Security – The Line Between Security and Privacy

As technology advances, consumers dependency on their Smartphone gets stronger. Smartphones have become more valuable to consumers because they serve many purposes beyond a standard line of communication….

Combining Fraud Prevention Solutions to Protect Your Business

Online security technology is not hard to come by these days it has become just as common as websites and mobile apps. Finding the right fraud prevention solution…

Mobile Security – Why You Should Care

There is no denying that the digital revolution is well into its maturity, but there is yet another movement that is growing rapidly and will soon catch up…