
Navigating Patient Privacy & HIPAA Compliance in the Digital Space

what is kyt (know your transaction)?

What is KYT and Why is It Important?

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Tax Fraud: Beyond the Home Office Deduction

When you think of tax fraud, images of inflated personal deductions, skipped payroll tax, or unreported offshore investments come to mind. The extreme tax evaders make headlines this…

ZAPPOS Data Breach-Prevent Further Identity Theft

Data. breach. These two small words can cause a BIG problem for businesses, especially those who house their consumers information for purchasing reasons. The popular online retailer,,…

Social Payments Pose New Security Threats

In todays ever changing world of new technology, companies are constantly trying to provide the newest innovations, products, and services to survive. Consumers and businesses alike want everything,…

Lack of Fraud Prevention Online Causing Consumer Fear

One of the worst things to ever happen to brick and mortar stores was the Internet, and one of the worst things to happen to Internet was ID…

Largest ID Theft Bust in U.S. History

On October 7th the District Attorney of Queens County, NY and City of New York Police announced the biggest identity theft takedown in U.S. history. After two years…