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FDIC Faces Another Phishing Attack

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation has fallen victim to another phishing attack. The fraudulent emails are being sent from and with the subject line: FDIC: Your…

Adobe Fights Zero-Day Vulnerabilities

With Adobe, information sharing is an important part of the incident response release process when it comes to fraud prevention. Kaspersky Lab posted this video earlier today where…

Electronic Verification Systems Signs International Clients-08-04-2011

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (August 4, 2011) Electronic Verification Systems (EVS), a leader in fraud prevention solutions and id verification systems, has signed four international clients. EVS has a full…

Medicare Fraud Prevention

Earlier this month we had a blog post about how there is legislation to remove Social Security numbers from Medicare cards. But until Social Security numbers are removed…

EVS Signs International Clients for ID Verification Services

We are proud to announce that in the past six months, we have signed contracts with several international companies to provide id verification solutions….

Google Offers Online Identity Verification in 40 Languages

Earlier this year, Google introduced a fraud prevention tool called a 2-step verification that helps protect Google Accounts from id verification threats like password compromise and identity theft….

Google Takes Steps to Stop Malware

According to the Google Online Security Blog, they recently found some unusual search traffic. Upon investigation, they determined the computers were infected with malware, which is malicious software….

TED Talk: Mikko Hypponen Fighting Viruses, Defending the Net

I was on our Twitter account earlier today seeing what everyone was talking about when I found a TED talk that Mikko Hypponen did. I highly suggest you…

Electronic Verification Systems Will Exhibit at the MWAA Annual Conference-07-19-2011

Electronic Verification Systems (EVS), a leader in fraud prevention solutions and id verification systems, will exhibit at the MidWest Acquirers Association (MWAA) Ninth Annual Conference July 27 through…

Payment Processing Fraud Prevention

A payment processor is often a third-party company that handles credit card transactions; and nine times out of ten the company does not have the cardholder present. This…