
Reducing Friction for Buyers During Peak Seasons + Preventing Fraud

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A Look at 5 Types of Credit Card Fraud: Understanding the Threat Landscape as a Business

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The Department of Energy Hasnt Acted on Fraud Prevention Solutions in Place

The Department of Energy was found to have serious network security issues for the second year in a row, causing to be regularly hit by cyber-attackers. The cyber-attacks…

FBI Wants to Develop Highly Secure Internet

In a effort towards a fraud prevention solution, an executive in the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has recommended government and corporate leaders should consider developing a new,…

Department of Homeland Security Appoints Deputy Under Secretary for Cybersecurity

It was announced today the United States Department of Homeland Security has appointed a new Deputy Under Secretary for Cybersecurity for the National Protection and Programs Directorate (NPPD)….

Fraud Prevention Needs to be Upped in Sweden

According to David Jacoby, a Kaspersky Lab Expert, there was a 3700% increase in JavaScript-based redirection scripts in Sweden during the month of September. The majority of these…

Is Your Password Strong Enough for Fraud Prevention?

In recent blog posts, we have focused on the importance of having a secure password to thwart fraudulent id verification attempts. According to, these are the 20…

Largest ID Theft Bust in U.S. History

On October 7th the District Attorney of Queens County, NY and City of New York Police announced the biggest identity theft takedown in U.S. history. After two years…

GAO Reports 650% Increase in Security Incidents

As part of the Government Accountability Office, the Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002 (FISMA) established an information security program, which evaluates and provides annual reporting for…

Facebooks Timeline is a Fraud Prevention Nightmare

One of the most recent announcements Facebook has made is the introduction of Timeline, which will feature recent status updates but also summarize past events and feature the…

New Apple OS X Malware: Fraud Prevention Tips

A new attack against Apple Mac OS X Lion was detected earlier this week. The fraudulent threat is a Trojan, and is installed through a fake Adobe Flash…