
Data Breaches and Online Identity Verification Solutions

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A Simple Method of Verifying Identity through Phones

One-time authentication codes through SMS (text messages) have been used for a while as a method of ongoing authentication, but have traditionally been of little use for verifying…

Hitting a Home Run

In part 1 I discussed how those in the Fantasy Sports industry (same theory can be applied to any industry) who aren’t playing by the rules are only…

1-2-3 Strikes…You’re Out!

The Fantasy Sports industry has seen its fair share of scandals in recent years such as the alleged “Insider Trading” between key players in the industry. Such disregard…

Jumping the Gun in Identity and Security

With the mainstream coverage of breaches, hacks, and identity fraud over the past few years it should be no surprise to see massive amounts of VC funding being…

What to Watch for in Watch List Screening

It may be tempting for businesses that are required to screen against watch lists to think that all watch list screening solutions are the same because the lists…

Stone Bank Selects EVS for Identity Verification

Louisville, KY- (10/18/2016) Electronic Verification Systems (EVS) announced today that Stone Bank, a locally owned bank located in Stone County, Arkansas, has selected IdentiFraud Consumer+ for identity verification…

Preparation Time for Tax Preparers and EROs

With the fall quickly approaching, it is again the time of year for Tax Preparers and Electric Return Originators (EROs) to prepare for the 2017 tax season. Tax…

Understanding the Age Verification Requirements of the FDA Deeming Rule

EVS has been working with many clients in the Vapor industry recently as they work to get in compliance with the regulations newly applicable to them under the…

EVS Age Verification Now Available in Shopify App Store

At Electronic Verification Systems (EVS), we are committed to making identity and age verification as simple as possible for our clients. As part of that commitment, we have…

Call Centers Need to Address Growing Fraud

A report issued last month reported a 45% increase in call center fraud between 2013 and 2015, along with an increase of losses from fraudulent call center transactions…