
How to Prevent Chargebacks, Friendly Fraud, and Other First-Party Fraud

What is a Politically Exposed Person?

What is a Politically Exposed Person?

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Twitter Implements Two-Factor Authentication

This week Twitter finally announced their implementation of two factor authentication. This was an effort made to help secure user accounts from hackers. While hacking of social media…

Unseen Tax Fraud and Identity Theft

Tax season is officially over and while some have already happily saved (or spent) their tax returns, others may not be so happy. The IRS has already released…

Protecting Your Identity Online

With the increasing amounts of online accounts, its fairly easy to lose your identity online. Between online banking and social media, there are a lot of platforms on…

Identity Thieves Need Less Information

Over the past several years the media has put the spotlight on payment card data crimes. While a credit theft can destroy the reputation of an individual or…

ID Verification Put Into Action

As the issues around immigration and employment start to come to a resolution, some states are starting to require drivers licenses and other forms of ID in order…

Online Reputations – Earned in Years, Lost in Seconds Due to Fraud

Brand management has a whole new meaning when it comes to cyber space. Internet criminals are learning so fast, organizations are still playing catch up in recovering from…

What is Verification as a Service (VaaS)?

Whats in a name? Well, a lot. How you refer to something or what you call something can change perception and meaning. Often times, we need to reevaluate…

Grave Robbers 2.0 – Who They Are and How to Stop Them

The IRS has prevented an extra $6 billion in fraudulent tax returns this year totaling $20 billion in blocked tax returns. Although much progress has been made in…

The Balancing Act of Fraud Prevention and Intrusion

Im really into sports. I used to love playing growing up, and through the years, I have become an avid fan. Aside from ones I participated in, I…

YB, Inc. Banking Center Kiosks Enlists EVS for Secure Identity Verification

Louisville, KY. (4 25 2013) YB, Inc., the next evolution in the delivery of self banked financial services has enlisted the services of Electronic Verification Systems (EVS) to…