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Fraud’s Fake New Frontier: Synthetic Identity Fraud and How to Fight It

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The Changing Digital Payment Landscape: How to Prevent Fraud and Drive Revenue 

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The Balancing Act of Fraud Prevention and Intrusion

Im really into sports. I used to love playing growing up, and through the years, I have become an avid fan. Aside from ones I participated in, I…

YB, Inc. Banking Center Kiosks Enlists EVS for Secure Identity Verification

Louisville, KY. (4 25 2013) YB, Inc., the next evolution in the delivery of self banked financial services has enlisted the services of Electronic Verification Systems (EVS) to…

States Relying More on Driver’s License Verification

Whether its a battle for immigration laws or the criteria for possessing a concealed weapon, states across the nation seem to have one thing in commondrivers licenses. While…

Identity Theft Soon to Surpass Traditional Theft

Identity theft is growing, and its growing fast. With the amount of business that is conducted online, there is no wonder why identity theft has become such a…

Knowing and Understanding Your Fraud Prevention Solution

With the recent federal attention around cyber security, its no surprise that everyone is starting to take notice to this pressing issue. Sen. Jay Rockefeller is pushing to…

The Value of Mobile Commerce

Just as soon as online payments became a norm for businesses, it wasnt long before mobile payments soon caught everyones interest, consumers and businesses alike. While few retailers,…

Being Aware of Online Fraud

How can you prevent something if youre not aware of it? The answer is, you dont. Awareness is the first step to preventing fraud online. While the majority…

Sharing Sparks Online Identity Theft

Sharing is not always caring. While sharing may good a thing in certain aspects of life, sharing your personal information is never a good idea. While most people…

Online Security Threats Grow in the Digital Age

In a recent interview with Steve Durbin of the Information Security Forum, he discusses the current landscape of online security and the risks. Even in the current state…

The Range of Identity Theft

Consumers and businesses have digital footprints just as deep (if not deeper) as any other trail they leave behind. Companies and customers alike have some sort of online…