
Credit Card Verification 101: Fighting E-Commerce Fraud + Protecting Your Business

Payment Processing, Catching Credit Card Fraud Before It Occurs

Payment Processing, Catching Credit Card Fraud before it Occurs

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Electronic Verification Systems Launches IdentiFlo Management Platform-06-20-2011

Electronic Verification Systems (EVS), a leader in fraud prevention solutions and id verification systems, launched its IdentiFlo Management Platform on Monday, June 20…

Electronic Verification Systems Will Exhibit at the 2011 NEAA Mid-Atlantic Conference-05-24-2011

Electronic Verification Systems (EVS), a leader in fraud prevention solutions and id verification systems, announces it will exhibit at the Northeast Acquirers Associations (NEAA) 2011 Mid-Atlantic Conference. The…

Electronic Verification Systems Will Exhibit at the 2011 ETA Annual Meeting-04-18-2011

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (April 18, 2011)Electronic Verification Systems (EVS), a leader in id verification systems and fraud prevention solutions, will exhibit at the 2011 Electronic Transactions Association (ETA) Annual…

Electronic Verification Systems Will Exhibit at the 2011 SEAA Seminar-03-11-2011

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (March 11, 2011)Electronic Verification Systems (EVS), a leader in fraud prevention solutions and id verification systems, announces it will exhibit at the Southeast Acquirers Association (SEAA)…

Electronic Verification Systems Will Exhibit at 2011 Prepaid Expo USA-02-11-2011

Electronic Verification Systems (EVS), a leader in fraud prevention solutions and id verification systems, announced it will exhibit at Prepaid Expo USA. The Prepaid Expo, the Prepaid Card…

Red Flags Rule Now in Effect-01-28-2011

The Red Flags Rule was developed in 2003 as part of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA). This act was aimed at combating the rise in…

Social Security Number Verification: A Crucial Tool for Protecting Your Business-12-02-2010

The Federal Social Security Act was instituted in 1936 as part of the New Deal. The system of numbers was originally intended as a way to track workers…

Electronic Verification Systems to Attend Western States Acquirers Association Conference-07-07-2010

Electronic Verification Systems to Attend Western States Acquirers Association Conference LOUISVILLE, Ky. October 7, 2010 Electronic Verification Systems (EVS), a leading id verification tools provider, will attend the…

ID Authentication A Necessary Fraud Prevention Tools-08-31-2010

Fraud prevention is an active and complex topic of discussion across many different industries, one that shows no signs of losing the spotlight. Its easy to understand whyas…

Protecting Your Business with ID Verification Tools-7-30-2010

Having confidence in the identity of your customer is one of the key components of safely conducting business. With occurrences of business fraud, identity theft and money laundering…