
January blog

New Year, New Standards: Optimizing Your KYC Compliance in 2025

what is kyt (know your transaction)?

What is KYT and Why is It Important?

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Identity Theft is More Than a Stolen Card

When most people hear the term identity theft (especially in todays digital world) they typically think of a thief that has gotten ahold of a credit card number…

Small Businesses and Start Ups Need Cyber Security

According to a study conducted by the National Cybersecurity Alliance and Symantec, two thirds of small medium businesses (SMBs) do not consider cyber attacks as a threat. Many…

Importance of Fraud Prevention for Business Startups

Starting a business today is no easy task, even for the most business savvy individuals.As we all know, more and more businesses are creating an online presence and…

Electronic Verification Systems (EVS) to Launch Mortgage Lender Compliance Package

Louisville, KY. (10 16 2012) Electronic Verification Systems (EVS) is excited to announce the release of its latest product, the Mortgage Lender Compliance Package, a mortgage specific addition…

EVS Supports Cyber Security Awareness Month

Corresponding with all the politic talk as of late, President Obama has designated October as National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM). As the general population has become more…

Secure Shopping for Ecommerce Sites

The only thing that is as synonymous with the holidays as food is shear fact that there arent enough hours in the day and shopping. And due to…

Mobile Security Threats for 2013

Companies in all industries are making their strategic plans for 2013.With Q4 in full swing, planning for the upcoming year can sometimes take second priority leaving important implementations…

Why Identity Verification Should be in Your 2013 Budget

The holidays are on everyones minds with all the major ones quickly approaching. As consumers begin their frantic scramble to be prepared, companies are doing the same. It…

Online Retail Woes: Lost License Leads to Lost Money

Although this is not the type of blog we enjoy writing, it gives certain insight on how important identity verification and authentication is for online business. Just this…

Its All About Attitude: Online Security

The digital revolution is almost in full swing and consumers are logging in online to handle everything from shopping to personal financing. As more consumers are creating online…