
EVS Supports Cyber Security Awareness Month

Corresponding with all the politic talk as of late,
President Obama has designated October as National
Cyber Security Awareness Month
 (NCSAM). As the general population has
become more reliant on the Internet, major security players such as the
Department of Homeland Security and the National Cyber Security Alliance have
come together to help educate the importance of online security. One of the
main objectives of this awareness movement is to help everyone have a general
understanding of cyber security in case of cyber incident.

As a part of NCSAM, all parties
involved have agreed to contribute to the Stop. Think. Connect. campaign
created in June as a part of Internet
Safety Month
. One of the underline messages of the campaign is that cyber
security is a shared responsibility. EVS is dedicated to being a part of this
movement and constantly find solutions and technology to help keep online
activity safe and secure. Businesses and consumers both need to understand the
importance of safe Internet use by implementing fraud prevent
and/or solutions. As the month progresses we hope to continue
serving as a resource and solution to all of clients. If you wish to receive
more information on cyber security, please contact us.
As the general public becomes more aware of online dangers, we can all do out
part to protect each other and ourselves again online fraud.

[Contributed by EVS Marketing]

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