
Securing Digital Identities: A Deep Dive into Multi-Factor Authentication and Verification

image of couple processing a transaction online

Protecting Online Transactions: The Basics of Electronic Identity Verification

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Acing the First Test: FFIEC Compliance

After all the talk and through all the confusion, the first test to see if your company is fulfilling the new FFIEC compliance regulations is finally here. Financial…

Fraud Prevention War: The Battle Between Ease and Security

New technology is designed to make our lives as consumers easier and more accessible. With the development of Smartphones, mobile tablets, mobile apps, and cloud networks, consumers can…

The Natural Evolution of Retail

Our shopping habits have evolved. We used to make our rounds to the brick and mortar stores to fill our needs, stopping at multiple shops until we found…

Cyber-Security and Fraud Prevention

As technology evolves, the number of outlets to share personal information increases, raising the level of vulnerability to ID theft and fraud. Companies now need to reevaluate their…

ZAPPOS Data Breach-Prevent Further Identity Theft

Data. breach. These two small words can cause a BIG problem for businesses, especially those who house their consumers information for purchasing reasons. The popular online retailer,,…

Social Payments Pose New Security Threats

In todays ever changing world of new technology, companies are constantly trying to provide the newest innovations, products, and services to survive. Consumers and businesses alike want everything,…

Fraud Prevention Risks for Banking Industry

45%… Forty five percent of all personal computers are now predicted to be infected with software that is designed to steal money from your bank account, according to…

Security Poverty Line Can Be Crossed With the Right Solutions

Many small businesses are being deprived of adequate security measures not because they are too difficult to obtain, but because of one simple reasonmoney. This break in the…

ID Verification and Authentication Re-Solutions

Happy New Year Now that the ball has dropped and the confetti has been swept up, the team at EVS has taken the time to plan for 2012…

EVS Holiday Hours

We would like to wish everyone in our EVS Family clients, partners and employees a great Holiday and a happy and prosperous New Year EVS will be closed…