
Distance Learning and Cheating

Weve recently been approached by several higher learning
institutions to help prevent distance learning cheating on exams. For years EVS
has worked with online
learning institutions
, such as online traffic schools, to ensure the
identity of the student. A quick Google search of my alma mater showed just
how much more prevalent online classes are to the traditional brick and mortar
institutions. As competitive as college can be, there seems to be a rash of
distance learning cheating happening online today. The media has picked up on
SAT/ACT cheating and books are being written about cheating rings,
but everyday test taking is becoming a big problem. There are black markets for
test-takers and institutions are looking to crack down.

If the only credentials for getting to a test are a username
and password, the system is wide open.
Some out-of-the-box platforms like Blackboard
have some authentication built in, but mostly for secure communication.
Multi-factor authentication is an easy overlay tool to keep students honest,
but only to a certain point. Knowledge
Based Authentication
questions are an inexpensive and easily deployable
method to ensure ONLY the student is logging in to take the exam. Who actually
answers the questions is a completely different challenge, but a challenge
were looking to take on.

[Contributed by Jeff Davis, President & CEO]

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