
Access Control Identity Authentication

SC Magazine recently reviewed some of the security
industrys most innovative access
control measures
including identification, authentication, and authorization.
Some of these innovators offer biometrics as a way to authenticate and
authorize an identity. While it may not be the most cost efficient way to
secure someones identity, it is certainly one of the most accurate. Other
security measures include authentication and mobile
. Some of the winners include companies such as Eyelock and BehavioSec,
which specialize in biometrics and behavioral biometrics. These companies have
set themselves apart by thinking outside the standard verification measures and
inventing way to test a persons identity in a ways that are unique to the
persons real identity.

While biometrics are the way of the future, most companies
are not quite there yet or find that biometrics are a bit extreme for their
industry. As compliance regulations get stricter and consumers security expectations
rise, businesses must learn how to think out of the box when it comes to
security. Some companies may have the luxury and budget to afford fraud prevention
that involve biometrics, but there are some that cannot. For
businesses that cant afford biometrics or find them irrelevant to their
industry, there are other options. Companies concerned with security commonly
use single sign ons, passwords, and security questions to verify accounts. Consumers
have become accustom to these types of security measures and have found that
sometimes they are not the most appropriate for fighting all fraud. Social
media and mobile devices have made passwords and security questions almost
obsolete. Even with secure accounts that ask for passwords and questions,
consumers are still getting hacked and facing fraud.

EVS has developed a way to think outside of the box of
normal security questions. Our KBA
security questions
are created in a way that only the true identity holder
can answer them. They are not the usual What is your High Schools name type
questions. They are mastered in a way that even if a theft has your full
information, they would not be able to answer them correctly. This type of identity
is affordable and relevant to all industries. Consumers will
not have to adjust to new types of testing measures, because they are so
similar to tradition measures with a smarter twist.

[Contributed by EVS Marketing]

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